Public RPC endpoints are available for the Filecoin mainnet.

Chainlist provides a dynamically updated list of available Filecoin - Mainnet RPCs.

These endpoints are limited to the read-only Filecoin JSON RPC API including read-only Filecoin Eth RPC methods, except for the write operations MPoolPush and EthSendRawTransaction for sending already signed messages.

Please note that most publicly hosted endpoints only guarantee recent state, i.e. 2000 of the latest blocks (last 16.67 hours). To request an archival node you can contact a provider below.

In order to check the current benchmarked performance of each of the below endpoints, please see the Filecoin ETH RPC Benchmark app.

HTTPS endpoint
WSS endpoint
API Support



All Filecoin and Eth JSON RPC methods including MPoolPush


By request at: https://www.ankr.com/rpc/filecoin

All Filecoin and Eth JSON RPC methods including MPoolPush



https://fil.nownodes.io (Free for 1 month with signup)

https://filecoin.getblock.io (Free with signup)

Additional Notes:

  • Glif Nodes offers a Lotus Lite node endpoint with the following command:

    FULLNODE_API_INFO=wss://wss.node.glif.io/apigw/lotus lotus daemon --lite

    When using a Lotus Lite node, omit /rpc/v1 from Glif’s WebSocket address.

    A Lotus Lite node is a stripped down version of a Lotus full-node capable of running on lower-end hardware. It also allows for local signing for storage deals without a full Lotus node.

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